In 1975, the government removed one of the two stars from the flag, another symbol of the federation between two states, creating a new flag with a single star. [52] However, despite receiving a life sentence on terrorism charges from a Cameroon court,[53] on 2 May 2019, Ayuk Tabe declared from prison the dissolution of Sako's caretaker cabinet and the restoration of his own cabinet. [11][12] Other sources may also refer to "Southern Cameroons", "Anglophone Cameroon" or "Cameroon's Anglophone regions". The Biafran and Ambazonian movements have individually grown increasingly violent in recent months and years. Business Insider and the Africa Collective initiative it supports presents the top 5 oil producing countries in Africa for December 2022. Red disk stands for the Blood[26] and strength of the people. Separatist Movements in Nigeria and Camero Want to read more on this topic or region? The English speaking region was then given two options by the UN; either to join Nigeria or Cameroon as a federation. The latest news, analysis, and data from the country each week. [51] On 4 February 2018, it was announced that US-based preacher Dr. Samuel Ikome Sako would become the Interim President of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia, temporarily succeeding Ayuk Tabe. States are governed by Premiers or State Governors, who are elected by the people, through a plurality vote, during State Elections. The Ambazonia Defense Forces see the Biafra-Ambazonia alliance as a critical outlet to end rising Fulani-led attacks. }(window, document, 'script', The English speaking people of Southern Cameroons are demanding an independent, sovereign nation they call Ambazonia.Thanks for watching, please kindly Subsc. The Nigerians have failed to act, the international community has failed to act, so we have no other choice but to get into an alliance that can better our chances to defend ourselves.. 994th Plenary meeting. Meanwhile, Cameroonian security forces have funneled weapons to the Mbororo communities that have gone on to attack English-speaking farmers, a CHRDA report notes. [15] This boundary was recognized internationally in 1922 and Britain and France were given control of their respective regions as League of Nations Mandates. Ambazonia, officially the Federal Republic of Ambazonia, also referred to as Amba Land, is an unrecognised breakaway state in West Africa which claims the Northwest Region and Southwest Region of Cameroon, though it currently controls almost none of the claimed territory.No country has formally recognized Ambazonia's independence, and it is currently the site of an armed conflict between . By Fax: 1-240-556-0535. Explore the benefits of your FP subscription. 1961. Consequently, Biafra and Ambazonia loyalists have found common ground in each others movements. The government claims armed English-speaking separatists who want to create a new nation called Ambazonia have terrorized civilians and attacked government forces, prompting the military to. Relations with the Islamic Republic of Cameroon and the Republic of Cameroon are heated. Despite long years of fighting, the two countries now work together after a negotiated agreement to grant Ethiopia access to the sea; something that underscores that everything always ends up at the negotiating table, regardless of the outcome. Boko Haram is an Islamist militant rebel group that has been carrying out brutal attacks on towns in Northern Nigeria since 2011. Germany conquered Buea in 1891 after several years of fighting, transferring the colonial capital there in 1892 from Douala. The full list is shown in the table below, with current population and subregion (based on the United Nations official statistics). This insurgent group has mostly conducted its operations in Borno state, displacing millions of people. [22][23][24] While many Southern Cameroonians resented the lack of an independence option, the disappointment with Nigerian administration which had fed the push for further autonomy and hope that a more equal federation could be had with Cameroon led to a majority in favor of "reunification" with Cameroon. The Sun stands for a new era. West Cameroon was divided into two administrative regions, which survive today: the "North West" and "South West" regions.[32]. FPs Ravi Agrawal sat down with industry leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, to discuss how businesses can build resilience amid a turbulent geopolitical era. Explore the benefits included in your subscription. Delivered Monday-Friday. For Saudis like me, nothing could be more disheartening than a divorce from the United States. As the violence intensified, international efforts to resolve the crisis picked up. Premiers (State Governors) can also make laws but must not go against the constitution or the federal law (Presidential laws/decree). Armed alliance between IPOB, Ambazonia could destabilise West and Central Africa; Daniel admitted in an interview with Foreign Policy that the alliance could destabilise West and Central Africa, with Nigeria being the largest economy in West Africa, and Cameroon, one of the major countries in Central Africa. s.parentNode.insertBefore(t, s) Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. SCACUF unilaterally declared the region's independence as Ambazonia on October 1, the anniversary of Southern Cameroons' independence from the United Kingdom. ), Counties are further divided into 61 districts (LGA) governed by Prefects or District Officers. [16], The British Cameroons Administration Ordinance, 1924 divided British Cameroons into the Northern Cameroons (administered as part of Northern Nigeria) and the Southern Cameroons (administered as part of Eastern Nigeria). The flagpole of the State Flag must always be higher than the flagpole of the county flag. He. Blue stands for vigilance and perseverance. Ambazonia enjoys good relations with members of the West African Union, and other Anglophone African nations. Symbolism (Green stands for the Fertility of the Land. [34], Flag of Meme. [29], Flag of Momo. Boko Haram, the Islamic State West Africa Province, and other violent extremist groups also exploit these ethnic tensions for their own gain. n.loaded = !0; Other countries outside of the African continent have been involved in cryptocurrency initiatives. Paul Biyas regime is ignoring the battle against Boko Haram and the Islamic State and using foreign counterterrorism assistance to fund its brutal repression of citizens with legitimate grievances. [6] Ambazonian forces have struggled to form a united front, and internecine conflicts have hampered efforts to negotiate with Cameroon or establish control over the various militia groups engaged in the fighting. Ambazonia is divided in 13 counties [65] and 61 Local Government Areas (LGAs). }); The anchor stands for Stability despite the turbulence. It raises the question: How do companies with large global footprints decide which side to pick? In 1972, Cameroon held a controversial referendum which changed the form of the state. In February 2020, armed Fulani men alongside Cameroonian military personnel attacked Ngarbuh village in the Northwest region and killed 21 civilians, including 13 children. [43] Although the government established a Commission to focus on Anglophone grievances and took steps to address issues of language equity in courts and schools, continued distrust and harsh responses to protests prevented significant deescalation. [7] Ongoing violence has led to widely reported human rights abuses by both sides, including indiscriminate killing of civilians, torture, rape and gender-based crimes, and unjustified detentions and kidnappings. From Nigeria's Biafra to Cameroon's Ambazonian, and Ethiopia's Tigray, the daily heightened tensions show that many African . n.queue = []; A Biafra-Ambazonia weapons exchange will bolster the Anglophone separatist movement, which has suffered in recent months from a severe lack of financial support from the diaspora, perhaps due to waning interest, pervasive human rights abuses carried out by separatist groups against civilians, or major divisions in the diaspora leadership. The Federal Republic of Ambazonia ( Southern Cameroons) is an unrecognised and disputed region located in the armpit of Africa, a crossroad between west and central africa, on the Gulf of Guinea. On the other hand, Cameroon's state Army is using shrewd military tactics against the guerilla warfare of these militias. [24], Flag of Donga-Mantung. However, such referendum can only occur based on how the federal government treats that state (religious discrimination, tribal discrimination, exploitation of the state with no forms of developing it and marginalization). Since October 2016, protests and strikes related to sectoral demands have escalated into a crisis over the economic and political marginalisation of Cameroon's Anglophone minority. Against a backdrop of bomb blasts, sporadic violence and repressive state measures, Cameroon's Anglophone crisis has entered a new and intensified phase. The first permanent European settlement on the mainland in the region was founded in 1858 by British Baptist Missionary Alfred Saker as a haven for freed slaves. Separatist Movements in Nigeria and Cameroon Are Joining Forces. [60] France, the UK as well as the European Parliament have also expressed concern and pushed for negotiations between the parties to resolve the crisis. Jonathan Pershing, formerly the Biden administrations No. The 13 counties are governed by county-ministers; these individuals are chosen by political parties as candidates to govern the area and are voted into office during State elections (which occur every two years, similar to the U.S. Keep up with the world without stopping yours. Symbolism (Red stands for the Blood and strength of the people. Weekly update on developments in India and its neighbors. The people of Northern and Southern Cameroons under the umbrella of the Southern Cameroons Ambazonia Consortium United Front (SCACUF) finally decided to affirm the independence of the English . [20] Two reports by English economists, the Phillipson Report in 1959 and the Berrill Report in 1960 both concluded that Southern Cameroons would not be able to continue to finance development and growth as an independent state. The pro-Biafran movement, led by Nigerias minority ethnic Igbo community, has deep historical roots. In 1858, British missionary Alfred Saker founded a settlement for freed slaves at the bay which was later renamed Victoria. Two of its border regions with Nigeria (northwest and southwest) are Anglophone, while the rest of the country . Cameroon's separatist conflict erupted in 2017 after teachers and lawyers in the North- and Southwest regions, where English is the predominant language, protested alleged discrimination by the. Akole, a 45-year-old father from Menji in the southwest, says that when the government "realises that you are from the English-speaking part of the country, you don't deserve being alive". As the Egyptian economy falters, Sisi is turning to the Chinese government for support. This settlement which was later named Victoria (now Limbe, Cameroon) after the then Queen Victoria. We have assembled here today in front of our two peoples to declare our intentions to walk together to ensure collective survival from the brutal annexation that have occurred in our home nations, Ayaba said. Mountains stands for the Two peaks of mount Fako (Mount Cameroon), determination and leadership. In response, armed separatist groupswith substantial funding from Anglophone Cameroonians living abroad, according to a local aid worker who asked to remain anonymousrapidly mobilized against government security forces. A year after the invasion, Ukraine is riddled with Russian collaborators and sympathizers. Then RusShow moresia invaded Ukraine, and businesses around the world confronted a decision on whether to pull out of the Russian market. And what happens if the United States and China continue down a path of decoupling? (Various separatist leaders deny that financial support has waned; however, fighters and aid workers on the ground confirm that extortion of war taxes and kidnap-for-ransom schemes are now the main income source to support ongoing fighting.) Red Star stands for the Blood of the people and leadership. The armed insurgency has turned into a guerrilla war, killing thousands of people, displacing nearly . Today, pro-Biafra activists use incendiary language, referring to the Fulani as terrorists, to incite violence. The self-declared state borders Cameroon to the east, Nigeria to the west and north and the Atlantic Ocean to the south. Green stands for the Land and prosperity. The two also discussed climate cooperation with China, the road to COP28, and much else. t.src = v; There is currently only a single permanent embassy, with Nigeria. A development in which Fulanis become major actors, for better or for worse, in a country like Cameroon then gets exacerbated in Nigeria because of its own demographics and population categorizations, said Fomunyoh, of the National Democratic Institute. Britain established Ambas Bay Protectorate in 1884 with Victoria as its capital. [17] The County-Ministers appoints Prefects or District Officers to county districts (Local Government Area). [4], Each of the three states are entitled to a flag and an, a sign of their importance within the federation and their culture. Etymology. But those ceasefire discussions have been condemned by other separatists in Cameroon and abroad, who argue that Sisiku does not have a mandate to negotiate. [17] t.async = !0; In May 1985, he was arrested, imprisoned, and then put under house arrest for three years before escaping first to Nigeria and then to the United Kingdom.[36]. This adds to the volatility engulfing Cameroon as the country gears up for a presidential election in 2018. In the post-war settlement, most of Kamerun went to France as a League of Nations Mandate . NEW FOR SUBSCRIBERS: For the past three weeks, an encampment of activists from Ambazonia, the English-speaking territory also known as Southern Cameroon, has been holding vigil outside the Nigerian Embassy in South . Rooster stands for Courage, leadership and protection.[28]. Lying spear stands for peace rather than war. Symbolism (Green stand for the Land. At independence, a plebiscite was held, and voters in Southern Cameroons opted to join Cameroon as a constituent state of a federal republic. [9] The name was coined by Fon Gorji Dinka in 1984 as part of a campaign for the restoration of autonomy and preservation of Anglophone institutions in the region.[10]. Districts are further divided into Sub-Districts (Wards) headed by a Ward councilor who is appointed by a District Officer. ecent alliance between the separatist groupsIndigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) in Nigeria, and Cameroon's breakaway state Ambazoniacan trigger instability in the West Africa region, a Foreign Policy report has said.. Last month, IPOB leader Nnamdi Kanu and Cho Ayaba, leader of the Ambazonian Governing Council appeared in a press conference, livestreamed on social media, to announce a . All the roads in West Cameroon my government had either built, improved or maintained were allowed to deteriorate making Kumba-Mamfe, Mamfe-Bamenda, Bamenda-Wum-Nkambe, Bamenda-Mom inaccessible by road. Symbolism (Yellow stands for Prosperity and Justice. Click + to receive email alerts when new stories are published on Surrounded by water from all directions, Africa is a continent with clearly defined borders. In 1858, British missionary Alfred Saker founded a settlement for freed slaves at the bay which was later renamed Victoria. The name Ambazonia comes from Ambas Bay, the area of a settlement of freed slaves which is regarded as the boundary between Anglophone and Francophone Cameroon. Black stands for the People and culture. Your guide to the most important world stories of the day. The only other country is Eritrea that beat Ethiopia to the game. That kind of posture reminds the Africa psyche of the infamous era of slavery. You may opt out at any time. They are identified as "Foncha-man" and put aside. [4], The State Council has the power to impeach the Premier (State Governor), through a Motion of confidence. White stands for Hope, Peace and wisdom under God. In 2016 and 2017, a widespread protest movement was met with a violent government crackdown, which led to rioting and violence against security forces and, in 2017, a unilateral declaration of independence by Ambazonian leaders. The country was given the status of a League of Nations mandate in 1919, it wasadministered by both Britain and France. Secession related crises are fast becoming omnipresent in Africa and have led to the fragmentation and division of many nations. On a hierarchy of national land areas, Ambazonia is perched between Denmark and the Netherlands. All three states are further divided into 13 counties,[15] represented by the 13 Stars of the national flag, and in turn further divided into 61 Districts (Local Government Areas) and further into Sub-Districts. The Indian government has tread carefullyand invited trouble. Anglophones from Southern Cameroons are calling for an independent and sovereign nation they call Ambazonia. [26] In July 1961, the Southern Cameroons and the French Cameroon Republic delegations met in Foumban, a town in French Cameroon near the border with Southern Cameroons. Spokespeople from the self-proclaimed Interim Government of Ambazonia, the other major Anglophone separatist group, and the Customary Government of IPOB have denounced the alliance and proclaimed that the leaders involved are impostors.. Amabazonia since 2016 protests are defended by many separatist groups spearheaded by Ambazonia Defence Forces (ADF), famously known as 'the boys'. [20], Despite calls by Southern Cameroons leaders for full independence, United Nations' resolutions 1350 (XIII) of March 13, 1959 and 1352 (XIV) of October 16, 1959 called on Britain, the Administering Authority to organize separate plebiscites in Southern Cameroons and Northern Cameroons under UN supervision based on the following two 'alternatives': independence by joining Nigeria or joining Cameroon. Fax number: 240-556-0535 10 Feb 2018. White flower stands for hope, rebirth and peace. The separatist group, however, stated that there would not be peace in the sub-Saharan region of Africa until Biafra and Ambazonia agitators in Nigeria and Cameroon respectively get their . [8], The term "Ambazonia" is derived from the word Ambozes, the local name for the bay at the mouth of the Wouri river, known in English as Ambas Bay. Even so, a further exacerbation of ethnic tensions involving the Fulani in Cameroon is likely to have a ripple effect across the region. Several different armed factions have emerged such as the Red Dragons, Tigers, ARA, Seven Kata, ABL, with varying levels of coordination with and loyalty to Ambazonian political leaders. Flying bird stands for Freedom, wisdom and protection). Countries of Africa: . In Nigeria, the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) is a secessionist group that advocates for the creation of the independent country of Biafra. The previous year, Nigerian security forces arrested more than 30 other Anglophone activists. For Washington, self-imposed restraint will always be a contradiction in terms. Blue stands for the Menchum River and surrounding lakes, as well as Liberty. The Sun stands for the Birth of a new day, prosperity. Despite the violence, both governments and the international community have failed to address long-standing grievances. The bay which is located in southwestern Cameroon is considered as the boundary between Southern Cameroons and the Republic of Cameroon. [21] The United Nations initiated discussions with French Cameroun on the terms of association of Southern Cameroons if the outcome of the plebiscite was in favour of a federation of the two countries. Ambazonia News would "thank God" for saving Africa from the worst of the pandemic but that too is one of the biggest weaknesses of the African continent! The claimed territory formerly was known as the British Southern Cameroons (West Cameroon). [35] Biya stated that he had taken the step to affirm Cameroon's political maturity and to demonstrate that the people had overcome their language and cultural barriers but many in Southern Cameroons saw it as yet another step to erase their separate culture and history. The Bahamas represents how global capitalism can go very right, and very wrong, at exactly the same time. Blue stands for the Sky, the Ocean and Liberty. [55][56] Peace talks mediated by the Swiss government have fallen apart multiple times, primarily due to factional divisions and lack of actual control over militias by separatist leaders making even preliminary steps difficult. The top of Mount Cameroon has a polar climate of the tundra variant, unique in West Africa and extremely rare so close to the Equator.[64]. Located along the Atlantic Ocean, it shares its borders with the Central African Republic, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, and Nigeria. In 1993, the All Anglophone Conference took place in Buea bringing together all Southern Cameroons citizens who called for the restoration of the federal system. Brown stands for the soil and fertility and Strength. Dissatisfaction with these agreements led to the brief Douala War in 1884, in which Germany assisted its local allies in winning, essentially cementing its colonial position in Cameroon and by 1887 Britain had abandoned its claims in the region.[13][14]. The latest news, analysis, and very wrong, at exactly the same time disk stands the. Independence as Ambazonia on October 1, the Ocean and Liberty Ocean to West... To have a ripple effect across the region 's independence as Ambazonia on October 1, the road COP28! On this topic or region violence, both governments and the Atlantic Ocean to the Fulani in Cameroon considered! 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